Our latest publishing project has seen great progress over the last couple of months. All five artists have delivered all of their text and photography, all the layout is complete, and there are just the final editing tweaks to wrap up.
Soon, the files will be off to our printers in Lithuania and, given the state of things like international shipping at the moment, it looks like we’ll be able to fulfill the Kickstarter in early 2022!
If you missed out on the Kickstarter and would like to pre-order one. two, or all three of these books, head on over to our pre-order store now!
We’ll keep it open for another month or so, and once all Kickstarter and pre-orders are fulfilled, we’ll release these books to the wide world via our usual channels.
Until then, here are a few of the spreads from the first three Volumes of THE ART OF… series.
THE ART OF… Miniature Monthly, featuring work from Aaron Lovejoy, Elizabeth Beckley, and Matt DiPietro.
THE ART OF… Christof Keil, known to many as k03rnl on Instagram.
THE ART OF… Ana Polanscak. Check out her website at gardensofhecate.com
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